Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Let's see where we are as Cleveland sports fans:

Indians - The Tribe are no longer even picking up options on players. If the next CBA goes the players' way, look for Dolan to sell. He seems to be a good man and I'm all but certain that he cares, but he's in over his head. Still, I'd rather have him owning the team than someone who had the team contending, but was looking for a new ballpark already or trying to move the team. Dolan is to the 2000s what Mileti was to the 70s (at least in regards to the Tribe).

Browns - This is an absolute train wreck. I would say that it can't get any worse, but this season has taught me to never say never, especially on the downside. The NFLPA is investigating the coach, the GM has been fired after 1/2 of a season, the team barely sold out a MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL GAME!, the road unis now include ugly, stripeless brown pants, and are underdogd to the Detroit Lions. Holmgren may be able to turn this around, but if he can't, I have no idea about the future of football in Cleveland.

Cavaliers - Almost losing to an 8-man Warriors side last night notwithstanding, this is the city's lone major league bright spot. As long as they resign Lebron (and any other team with the cap space are counting on Lebron taking less $ to go to a worse team), the future at the Q looks bright.

Next time, a look at Cleveland minor league sports at the twilight of the 2000s.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is nothing sacred anynmore?!

This rant is something of an update to my prior post. Like all holidays, Crewsmas (Columbus Crew home opener), has drifted from it true meaning. Just as Christmas has morphed from a celebration of the Savior's birth to an occasion to sell "executive gifts" (i.e. dollar store toy mini pool tables with a particleboard casing) and the birthdays of Washington and Lincoln (and MLK to an increasing extent) have ceased to be about celebrating the lives of great Americans as much as about getting a good deal on a mattress, Crewsmas has ceased to be a celebration of the massiveness of the Crew, and has become an excuse for Canadians to riot. But aren't Canadians a peace-loving people? As a rule, yes. But one needs look no further than the supporters' groups of Toronto FC to find the exception. Throwing flares ans smoke bombs on the field, destroying South End seating, and antagonizing Columbus' finest. As if that wasn't enough, there are rumblings that they want to sue the Crew and the City of Columbus. I'm no expert in the American legal system, but I'm pretty sure it's the ones who were attacked, intimidated, and had their property destroyed that have standing to sue, not the perpetrators. Crew matches often become spirited affairs, especially when DC United or Chicago Fire is visiting, but the wannabe-hooligan antics of Pyromaniac FC have raised the crap to the level that I feel comfortable breaking out a four-letter word that makes the US soccer establishment uncomfortable: riot. There I said it. Toronto's supporters incited a full-blown soccer riot on Saturday. For that, they should be placed under a complete travel ban. Harsh, you might say. Thus it is, but flagrant violations of the law and general order deserve harsh punishment. If they can't keep their shtick to nonsensical chants of "This is our house!" (memo to TFC fans: It's not even your country.), they shouldn't be allowed to travel around MLS stadia looking for a fight.

On a brighter note (almost anything would be), the IndyCar Series will have 22 entries for its opener Sunday in St. Pete and 23+ (I'm hoping for and predicting +) at it's second round two weeks later in Long Beach. Both races will air on the Versus network (check your local listings for times).

Until later, good bye from the Woodchuck Hole and remember: chanting - good, throwing flares and destroying seats - bad.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sleep, Need Sleeep...

Whew! Sleep deprivation does not do much for my mind. Two nights ago I got 3 hours of sleep and last night I had some weird dreams (including one where open records law proponents created a drinking game centered around the evening news to promote their cause, as I said - sleep deprivation = poor brain function, even while asleep)

Another IndyCar season is nearly upon us, hopefully some of the currently questionable entries materialize this week and we'll be able to see 22-24 on the grid next Sunday at St. Pete.

Man, I can't wait for May!

Finally, I'd like to wish any Columbus Crew supporters reading this a MASSIVE CREWSMAS. I'm heading south down I-71 in about an hour, see y'all at Hunt Park!

Until then, goodbye from the Woodchuck Hole and remember, You can fool all of the people some of the time, and you can fool some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. However, former Cuyahoga County Sheriff Gerald McFaul came as close as anybody I've seen so far.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I'm back again!

Sorry for not posting for so long, but I'm back (fall semester was rough).

Look for updates soon!