Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bits of Comedy

I have this strange feeling that John Kerry may be Barack Obama's running mate. It all goes back to his "57 states" comment.

I'm working on a list of the "Ten Immutable Laws of Good Country Music." The list is incomplete at this moment, but among them will almost certainly be "adding a banjo to preteen bubblegum pop music does not make it country."

If a tree falls in the press area at a McCain speech, does it make a sound?

crapwagon.com (that was the punchline)

On to a couple of serious notes

- In regards to the World Court's attempt to halt Texas' execution of an illegal immigrant because the Mexican consulate was not contacted: What good was a consulate going to do when the man had already admitted guilt? By the way, I am not in favor of frying rapists. It's too humane for such scum. I tend to favor hanging or human pinata.

- Regarding all this talk about getting rid of oil by using alternative energy: there are two problems here
- All of the truly viable alternatives are for electrical power, not transportation. I don't know about where you live, but here in Ohio we use coal, not oil, to produce electricity.
- The only currently viable vehicular alternative (hybrids) only reduces oil usage. It doesn't eliminate it.

I'm not saying don't pursue alternatives, but be realistic about their benefits. Now if we could harness the wind our politicians spew out this campaign season....

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