Friday, May 2, 2008

The Woodchuck Emergeth from his Hole

Sorry for the long period of inactivity, but the semester is nearing an end and I have been an absurdly busy woodchuck. Here is my take on what has happened in the interim.

Congratulations to Danica Patrick on her first win!

Congratulations to Graham Rahal on the 2008 Champ Car Championship

The Steel Army (Pittsburgh Riverhounds supporters): nice folks until you meet them online.

It's too bad that the American League doesn't have the same hyper-diluted playoffs as the NBA and Arena Football, the Tribe would be selling playoff tickets right now.

I am loving how the Crew is starting their season! All hail Sigi! LA Galaxy fans everywhere are kicking themselves right about now (or having some self-kicking machine from some high-end catalog do it for them, I'm not entirely sure).

The Browns had a great draft without even picking on day 1. I can't wait for training camp!!!!

Presidential endorsement time: While I am not in complete (or even significant) agreement with any of the candidates, I am supporting John McCain because his military experience makes him uniquely suited among the three candidates to lead our country in a time of war (even if we pull out of Iraq, we're still in it for the long haul against Al-Qaeda).

It's another crazy weekend in Cleveland sports, here's the rundown for tonight. (I'll post again tomorrow with Tomorrow and Sunday's games.)

Indians vs. Royals - 7:05PM Fireworks
Gladiators vs. Soul - 7:00PM $10 upper deck tickets, $10 off lower deck tickets
City Stars vs. City Islanders 7:00PM Old-Timers Game @ halftime
Captains vs. Grasshoppers 7:05PM

If you aren't planning to go out and see a game live tonight, you're still in good shape. Cavaliers/Wizards Game 6 is on ESPN2, FSN Ohio, WUAB-43, and WTAM-1100 at 7:00PM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, the Fire will run down the Crew eventually. And this is the year the Andretti Curse is broken.